
23 Contoh Cover Letter Upwork Terbaik Supaya Dapat Klien 2024

Fathur Kurniawan

Contoh Cover Letter Upwork
Ilustrasi Contoh Cover Letter Upwork, Source: – Contoh cover letter upwork menjadi buruan peminat kerja freelance di berbagai benua. Di mana banyak kalangan peminat belum bisa membuat proposal serta format secara tepat.

Upwork atau sebelumnya lebih dikenal dengan oDesk yakni marketplace di mana mempertemukan klien dengan para freelancer. Penggunanya sendiri terus bertambah drastis, tak heran jika persaingan semakin ketat dan banyak kalangan membutuhkan contoh cover letter upwork.

Dengan contoh cover letter upwork, tentu para frelanceer akan lebih mudah mendapatkan klien. Dengan referensi tersebut sebagai strategi, tak sedikit pengguna berkesempatan menghasilkan sejumlah uang di upwork.

Untuk memberi kepuasan, pastikan menulisnya secara benar diawali dengan melengkapi profil, apply seperlunya hingga tidak melakukan copy paste. Jika membutuhkan referensi, berikut sudah tim rangkum contoh cover letter upwork untuk mendapatkan klien.

Fungsi Cover Letter Upwork

Fungsi Cover Letter Upwork

Sebelum membahas contoh cover letter upwork, adapun fungsinya selain menjadi sarana mendapatkan klien, surat tersebut mempunyai kegunaan seperti menjadi bukti, syarat dokumen serta kewajiban dalam administrasi tertentu. Selengkapnya:

  • Wujud tertib administrasi serta bentuk sopan santun dalam hubungan antar instansi.
  • Persyaratan dalam membuat dokumen resmi untuk ragam keperluan seperti KTP, SKCK maupun surat nikah.
  • Menjelaskan maksud serta tujuan kedatangan seseorang ke tempat tertentu.
  • Sebagai bukti bahwa instansi maupun perorangan sudah mengutus pekerja guna melaksanakan tugasnya.

Contoh Cover Letter Upwork

Contoh Penulisan Cover Letter Upwork

Karena penulisan cover letter upwork merupakan hal subjektif sesuai preferensi masing-masing individu. Mungkin beberapa contoh cover letter upwork di bawah ini sedikit berbeda-beda.

Selain mempunyai panjang ataupun pendek berbeda, contoh cover letter upwork berikut juga dibedakan dari masing-masing profesi. Selengkapnya mengenai contoh-contohnya:

1. Berpengalaman

[Nama lengkap]
[Nomor telepon]
[Tanggal pengiriman]

[Nama/ jabatan klien]
[Nama perusahaan klien]
[Alamat perusahaan]

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the [Posisi Jabatan] position posted on Upwork. With [Masa kerja] of experience in [Pekerjaan relevan], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your project and deliver high-quality results.

In my previous roles, I have successfully [mention specific achievements or projects relevant to the job]. These experiences have honed my skills in [Keahlian], and I am eager to apply these skills to [Nama Perusahaan] to help achieve your goals.

I am particularly drawn to this opportunity because [Sebutkan ketertarikan terkait perusahaan]. I am committed to delivering excellence and am dedicated to understanding the unique needs of your project.

Furthermore, I possess strong communication skills, attention to detail, and a proactive approach to problem-solving. I thrive in collaborative environments and am adaptable to evolving project requirements.

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of contributing to your team and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and passion align with the needs of [Nama Perusahaan]. Thank you for considering my application.

I look forward to the possibility of working together and am available at your earliest convenience for an interview.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

2. Data Entry

Cover Letter

Hi Mr./Mrs. Employer,

I am wrote this letter to express my interest in position Data Entry. I believe my background and experience will make me a good candidate for this job. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

While completing my degree at university, I picked up several new skills that are essential to successful data entry projects. I can learn new programs efficiently and quickly . I’m also a detail-oriented person so if there any typo I am sure I will find out immediately, which is very important for this job.

I know I am not from Philippines like required, but when I read the job description I think I would Love to work in here as I really into books and therefore I am confident I can manage to perform well.

Please send me a message if you have any question about my candidacy. Thank you again for your time an consideration, Mr./Mrs. Employer.

Best regards,
Andre Morgan

3. Admin Data Entry

Hi, Mr./Mrs. Employer,

I am writing to express my interest for Data Entry Specialist position at [Nama Perusahaan]. With one year of experience in data entry and a proven track record of accuracy and efficiency, I am eager to contribute my skills to your team.

In my previous role at [Pengalaman di Perusahaan Sebelumnya], I consistently managed data entry tasks with precision and attention to detail. I have a strong command of data entry software and tools, ensuring timely and error-free input of information. Additionally, my experience has equipped me with the ability to handle large volumes of data while maintaining a high level of accuracy.

I am particularly excited about the opportunity at [Nama Perusahaan] because of [mention something specific about the company, its values, or its projects that align with your interests or skills]. I am confident in my ability to support your team’s data entry needs and contribute to the overall efficiency and success of your operations.

I am highly organized, detail-oriented, and proficient in [Software relevan]. Moreover, I am adept at meeting deadlines and ensuring data integrity, traits that I believe are crucial for excelling in a data-driven role.

I am enthusiastic about the chance to discuss how my data entry experience aligns with the needs of [Nama Perusahaan]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing my skills and dedication to your team.


Ahmad Maulana

4. Microsoft Excel

Hi Mr./Mrs. Employer.

I am writing this letter to express my interest for Microsoft Excel Data Entry. I believe that my experience will make me a good candidate for this job. Thanks for time and consideration.

While completing my degree at university, I picked up several new skills that are essential to successful data entry projects. I can learn new programs quickly andefficiently. I’m also a detail-oriented person so if there’s &
any typo I am sure I will find out immediately, which is Tik Tok very important for this job.

Regarding with your questionedemy about the estimated time to work with 1000 inputs, I would say I can finish maybe around 3-5 hours.

If you have any questions about my candidacy, please send me a message, Mr./Mrs. Employer.



5. Desain Grafis

Hi, [Nama klien]

Throughout my career, I have honed my expertise in design, print design, etc. I have successfully collaborated with diverse clients to deliver engaging designs that not only meet their objectives but also exceed expectations.

Additionally, my proficiency in industry-standard software such as Adobe Creative Suite, coupled with a keen eye for detail and creativity, allows me to bring concepts to life effectively.

I am particularly drawn to [Nama Perusahaan] because of [proyek atau value]. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of leveraging my skills to contribute to your innovative projects and help elevate your brand through thoughtful and impactful design solutions.

Moreover, I thrive in dynamic environments, embrace feedback, and am committed to delivering high-quality work within deadlines. I am eager to bring my passion for design, strong work ethic, and collaborative mindset to your esteemed team.

I would love the opportunity to discuss in further detail how my design background aligns with the needs of [Nama Perusahaan]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to your creative endeavors.

Best regards,

Yasser Ted

6. Website Desainer

Hi, [Nama Klien]

I am excited to apply for the Web Designer position at [Nama Perusahaan], as advertised. With five years of extensive experience in web design and a passion for creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to your team.

In my previous roles, I have successfully designed and developed numerous websites that prioritize both aesthetics and functionality. My proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various design tools enables me to bring concepts to life while ensuring seamless user experiences across different platforms.

Throughout my career, I have collaborated closely with clients to understand their vision and translate it into engaging and responsive web designs. My portfolio showcases projects that have not only met but exceeded client expectations, delivering results that align with their brand identity and objectives.

With a keen eye for design trends, a focus on usability, and a track record of meeting deadlines, I am confident in my ability to deliver innovative and impactful web solutions. I am passionate about staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies, ensuring that my work reflects cutting-edge design principles.

I am thrilled about the prospect of discussing how my experience and skill set align with the needs of [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing my expertise to your dynamic team.

Warm regards,

Deni Kurniawan

7. Website UI Designer

Hi, [Nama Klien] im a website UI designer with 3 years of experience and i’ve been work with a variety of overseas clients.

Portofolio link: [Link portofolio]

Dribble link: [Link Dribble]

8. Figma System Modification

Hi, Im a figma expert. I also teach figma on my sosial media just like [Nama narasumber]: [Link Youtube]

This is my portofolio: [Link portofolio]

9. Virtual Assistant

Hello Mr/Mrs [Nama klien], My name is Putri Anastasya, Im a Virtual Assistant for 5 years now and i am very willing to apply on the job posted. I consider my self equipped with all the VA skills needed for the job.

I am highly trainable and can easily learn tasks. I don’t have experience with a software program, i’ll doall the research to study it. I am willing to take any test trial to prove my worth for the job.

My skills and qualifications:

  • 5 years experience working as personal virtual assistant
  • Exellent in reading, writing and speaking skill in english. I dont speak italian, but i am eager to learn.
  • I have a mobile phone

Program and software skills:

  • Microsoft Excel, Power Point, Outlook & Word


10. Video Editor

Hello, [Nama klien]

I am very interested in working with you as your video editor. I’ve been working as a freelance video editor for over 3 years and i am ble to put together a capivating, engaging video using highligt clips and videos. I use premiere Pro Ater Effects and Pinnacle Studio in my editing projects. I am also able to provide royalty-frree background music if that is of interest to you.

I have attached some links to samples of my work.


Rahmat Santosa

Video editing samples:

Samples #1:


11. Deisgn Foto

Hello, [Nama klien], I have read the job you posted and i think is very easy for me to complete the work in a short time. For information i’ve experienced for 5 years using adobe Photoshop and my latest projects also project that use it.

I think my self will be able to provide the best service and design for you. I also atccached my design last week and my portofolio:

Sample design:

Last but not least, thanks for takking precious time to read my proposal.

Andri Maulana

12. Assistant

Hi, [Nama Klien] I am interested in the job that you posted.

I a an experienced assistant, iam proficient in data entry, handling and office works using appliacions like microsoft. I am also write with various articles posted on blog sites. I had experience in handling corporate emails and office work as finance secretary.

I can work for more 35 hours a week and can start immediately. Please consider my propossal. Thank you Very much.

Best regards,

Alan Antoni

13. Penulis Konten

Hello, [ Nama Klien]

I am writing to express my interest in the Content Writer position at [Nama Perusahaan]. With a passion for crafting compelling and engaging content, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my writing skills to your team.

As a content writer, I have honed my ability to captivate audiences through informative and well-researched articles. My experience includes creating diverse content, ranging from blog posts to website copy, with a focus on many niches.

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of discussing how my writing skills align with the needs of [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to your content creation efforts.

Warm regards,


14. Marketing

Hello, [Nama klien] I’ve read the job you posted and i think is easy to complete the work.

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing position at [Nama Perusahaan]. With a passion for leveraging innovative strategies to drive impactful marketing campaigns, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills to your team.

Throughout my career, I have gained valuable experience i digital marketing, social media, content creation, etc. I thrive on analyzing market trends, identifying opportunities, and implementing effective marketing strategies that elevate brand visibility and engagement.

I am eager to [Nama Perusahaan] bring my creative approach to marketing and contribute to furthering your company’s success.

My ability to collaborate across teams, strong analytical skills, and dedication to achieving measurable results have been instrumental in executing successful marketing initiatives. I am committed to staying updated with the latest marketing trends and technologies to deliver impactful campaigns.

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of discussing how my marketing expertise aligns with the needs of [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the potential to contribute my marketing skills to your team.

Warm regards,


15. Admin Sosial Media

Hi, [Nama Klien]

I am excited to apply for the Social Media Admin position at [Company Name]. With a passion for creating engaging social media content and managing online communities, I am eager to contribute my skills to your team.

In my previous roles, I have successfully crafted and executed social media strategies across various platforms, driving engagement and expanding brand presence. My experience includes content creation, community engagement, and analytics to optimize performance.

My ability to analyze data, stay updated with social media trends, and create compelling content aligns with the demands of managing vibrant online communities. I am dedicated to maintaining a consistent brand voice and fostering meaningful interactions with followers.

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of discussing how my social media management skills align with the needs of [Nama perusahaan]. Thanks for your attention.


Hanan Muhammad

16. Admin

Hi, [Nama klien]

I see you are in need of an admin assistant for your real estate firm and I believe my proactive and organized approach aligns perfectly with the responsibilities outlined in the job description.

I have a proven track record of executing successful email campaigns that engage potential clients and investors, fostering lasting and meaningful relationships. With my meticulous attention to detail, I am adept at managing data and crucial information to maintain records accurately and streamline processes, ensuring seamless operations within the firm.

To ensure the success of your real estate firm, I plan to implement a comprehensive approach, including the following:

  • I will diligently analyze the target audience to tailor email campaigns that resonate with their needs and interests, maximizing engagement.
  • I will employ advanced data management techniques to organize information and maintain an efficient workflow.
  • I will use my communication expertise to establish strong relationships with clients and partners, fostering an environment of trust and reliability.

Please view my samples below:


Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and passion to your team’s success and I’m looking forward to the possibility of discussing how I can further support your real estate business in greater detail.

Please feel free to ask any questions or schedule a call. I’m available from Monday-Friday, 10pm to 10am EDT.

All the best,

Scarlet Cecilia

17. Pengisi Suara

Hello, [Nama Klien]

I am thrilled to apply for the Voice Over Talent position at [Nama Perusahaan]. With a passion for storytelling and a versatile vocal range, I am excited about the opportunity to lend my voice to your projects.

As a voice-over artist, I bring my ability to convey emotions, captivate audiences, and bring scripts to life has been a cornerstone of my work.

With a keen attention to detail, dedication to perfecting delivery, and a commitment to meeting project deadlines, I am confident in my ability to meet and exceed your expectations as a voice-over talent.

I am eager to discuss how my voice-over skills align with the needs of [Nama Perusahaan]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute my voice talents to your creative endeavors.

Warm regards,


18. Akuntan

Hi, [Nama klien]

I am writing to you to express my interest in the accounting position you’ve open on your company website with ID #123. I am a certified public accountant or CPA and i am confident that my experience, background and skill set would be able for this position.

I am certain that my experience would make my self a great candidate for this position as well to yout company. Please call me at the [Nomor Telepon] to schedule an interview at your convenience.


Siska Amelia

19. Ahli SEO

Hi, [Nama klien]

I am writing to express my interest in the SEO Pro position at [Nama Perusahaan]. With a proven track record in driving organic traffic and improving search engine visibility, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my SEO expertise to your team.

Throughout my career, I have successfully executed SEO strategies that have significantly increased website rankings and enhanced online presence. My experience includes comprehensive keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, content strategy development, and leveraging analytics to drive actionable insights.

My analytical mindset, proficiency in SEO tools, and commitment to staying updated with the latest industry trends enable me to develop and execute effective SEO campaigns that deliver tangible results.

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of discussing how my SEO expertise aligns with the needs of [Nama Perusahaan]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute my SEO skills to your digital success.


Andi Muchlison

20. Penerjemah


I am writing to express my interest in the Translator position at [Nama Perusahaan]. With a passion for language and [X years/months] of experience in translation, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my language skills to your team.

In my previous roles, I have provided accurate and culturally sensitive translations for documents, marketing materials, etc. My linguistic abilities, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering high-quality translations have been instrumental in bridging language barriers.

My dedication to preserving the context and nuances of content make me a reliable translator. I am committed to maintaining confidentiality and delivering accurate translations that resonate with the target audience.

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of discussing how my translation skills align with the needs of [Nama Perusahaan]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute my language talents to your team.


Muhammad Ikbal

21. Dropshipper

Hi, [Nama Klien]

I am wrote this to express my interest in the Dropshipper position at [Nama Perusahaan]. With a passion for e-commerce and a strong background in managing product logistics and sales, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to your dropshipping operations.

My ability to identify profitable products, maintain accurate inventory, and ensure timely order processing aligns with the demands of a successful dropshipping role. I am dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service and driving sales growth through strategic product placement.

I am eager to discuss how my experience in dropshipping aligns with the needs of [Nama Perusahaan]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills to your dropshipping team.


Darel M

22. Programmer

Hello, [Nama klien] I’ve read the job you posted and i think is easy to complete the work.

I am thrilled to apply for the Programmer position at [Nama Perusahaan]. With a passion for coding and [Masa Kerja] of experience in programming applications, I am eager to contribute my technical skills to your team.

My strong problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and commitment to writing clean and maintainable code make me a valuable asset for your programming team. I am dedicated to continuously learning and adapting to new technologies to stay at the forefront of programming trends.

I am eager to discuss how my programming skills align with the needs of [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute my programming talents to your projects.


Ridwan Hanif

23. Reseller Online

Hello, [Nama Klien]

I am interested in the vacancy as a freelance reseller in your company. I have experience in sales and a wide network to market products. I am excited to work together to expand your product reach. Thank you for your consideration.


Giring Rukaman


Itulah beberapa contoh cover letter upwork guna mendapatkan klien, namun pastikan untuk mengeditnya terlebih dahulu ketika akan menggunakannya. Pasalnya klien-klien pada marketplace tersebut cenderung tidak menyukai para freelancer di mana menuliskan cover letter upwork menggunakan template.

Editor: Ari

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Fathur Kurniawan

Fathur Kurniawan, alumni STMIK Amikom Purwokerto, telah menulis di selama 2 tahun, spesialisasi berita profesi dan pekerjaan. Dedikasinya mencerminkan dalam tulisan yang informatif dan inspiratif, membantu pembaca memahami dinamika pasar dan peluang karir terkini.

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